The Exit 10 Restaurant and Pub is a restaurant inside an RV, a one-of-a-kind gem that can only be realized at Lazydays RV in Seffner, Florida.
When we conceived of Exit 10, we aimed to create a work of art whose point of view connected with wandering RVers from all over the world and gave them an experience they would never forget.

The artisan-created details–from the bar stools made of RV rims to the light fixtures that set the mood and the booths nestled in real slide-outs–exist to remind RVers of their home on the road.
That unique experience can only be had at Lazydays.
Yet Exit 10’s lore has spread throughout the country from the stories RVers tell of the fun they had eating an oven-baked pizza in a bonafide slide out or letting their kids sit in the driver seat and honk the working horn.
Part RV. Part restaurant. All fun. Exit 10 is an example of how creating something with a point of view can turn a mundane experience into an unforgettable masterpiece.
Click through the gallery to experience the Exit 10 restaurant.