Nature is incapable of patter. Anyone who’s ever sat on a porch during a rainstorm might agree. The rain’s pounding of the earth may be unrelenting, beautiful, and scary all at once…but it’s never incessant. 

Incessancy is man-made. So is patter. 

Patter, like traffic, is something all marketers try to avoid, Still, we cause it every day by merely existing in the same space as others. That’s why advertising is doomed. All of it. Because, at its essence, an ad (or anything that settles for being called an ad) is self-serving. It seldom has the noble intention of being appreciated, much less enjoyed by others. 

Art, on the other hand, exists only to be experienced by people. It is a unique statement created by a human with a point of view for the purpose of relating to other humans existing in a shared space.

Without human perspective, it’s not art, nor is it a statement. It’s another voice screaming into the void, demanding attention with all the other voices, contributing to the daily gridlock of patter.